Thursday, April 16, 2015

Is your cat spraying all over and the smell is horrible then i have the solution for you at:catspray-9lives-1.blogspot

                                                   Cat spraying no more review

Hello, my name is Dwayne and I LOVE ANIMALS. I have cats,dogs,bearded dragon,and fish of all kinds. The one thing I know is animals and today I would like to tell you a secret about why my house smells so clean.The worse smell and the hardest to get rid of also would be marking cats. Not like dogs that mark there territory or bearded dragon or any other animals but a potent smell that will destroy furniture, floors and carpets. To get it out takes fire like cats spaying no more.

Facts about cat spraying

A male or a female cat will spray to not only mark there territory but also shows love. Yes that's right love and I my self in turned cleaned the spots with harsh ammonia and sprays of every kind but made it worse. What happens is once cats sprays and you clean there area you give them the since of nervousness and endangered so they act in that way then they give it back again. Trying vinegar and water or white vinegar neutralizes the Cat Spray on contact. You also use O xi Clean, it seems to operate very well on eliminating the smell. Don ever try masking the smell with scent with air fresheners or perfumes, you will only make it even worse.

Now the easy details

To begin, we have to ask ourselves why is our cat spraying in the first place right? Now we don't need Dr. Doolittle to help us with this because its easy math. This product uses techniques and tricks to encourage them in peeing in there litter box and discourage your cat peeing any where else. Of course the details are in side but before you say to your self i want easy fix not to train your cat but we did train our kids and in my house there are kids too.You'll learn the secrets how to find out the reason why they spray and then using a special recipe to mix which is herbal repellent to train your cat.



To understand how stress and other factor can cause the cat spray inside your house instead of inside there box and you'll see that our cats stress over us as we stress over them. The main pros are we bond with our cats more and we learn how they think. We also learn tricks that can make our living areas smell clean and healthy.Finally, the best pro is its awesomely cheap. The value is around $40 dollars which is the best part. Not only the price is cheap but its risk free, full 60 day money back guarantee.


This is not a cure all. They are some awesome tricks that works for most cats like mine but you need to follow directions when making the herbal repellent but some times the cats decide to do it again which is what we call rebellion in our kids. Results may vary , and all cats are different just like our kids some is stubborn cats and others will be easy.

Last thought

 I love my animals and kids with all my heart but buying new furniture or carpets isn't in my list of buying but $40 dollars I will do. hope you will too.
Is your cat spraying all over and the smell is horrible then I have the solution for you at:catspray-9lives-1.blogspot
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